When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of a marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?
dari novel bestseller dengan judul yang sama, Gone Girl menjadi film
blockbluster yang meraih kesuksesan di berbagai negara. Dibintangi oleh Ben
Affleck dan Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl dapat menjadi pilihan menghabiskan malam
bersama pasangan atau teman bagi mereka yang menggemari film begenre
malam anniversary mereka yang kelima, Amy Dunne dilaporkan menghilang oleh
suaminya, Nick Dunne. Dilatarbelakangi popularitas masa kecil yang tinggi,
dalam waktu singkat kasus hilangnya Amy Dunne mewarnai setiap televisi, surat
kabar, radio, dan semua Amerika bersimpati padanya. Di tengah-tengah
keberkabungan ini, masyarakat mencurigai perilaku Nick Dunne yang terlalu
santai dan acuh terhadap hilangnya istrinya. Menambah panasnya kemarahan
rakyat, Nick Dunne ditemukan berselingkuh dengan wanita yang jauh lebih muda
darinya dan Amy Dunne dilaporkan sedang mengandung oleh teman baiknya. Pada
akhirnya, apakah cerita dibalik hilangnya Amy Dunne? Apakah Nick, suaminya
sendiri yang membunuh Amy?
yang membuat Gone Girl sangat kontroversial, thrilling, dan menjadi film
terfavorit 2014 sunshinesthroughtherain?
Girl menawarkan film crime-thriller yang berbeda dari yang lain dengan ide yang
memang sudah bukan orisinil lagi, tapi tetap membuat penontonnya tidak bisa
melepaskan diri dari layar kaca. Tidak seperti Se7en atau Inception yang
membutuhkan konsentrasi penuh, Gone Girl dapat dinikmati tanpa analisis yang
dalam, namun tetap tidak kehilangan rasa "greget" dan penasarannya.
"You meet Amy, she smiles, but her eyes are always scanning you, assessing, seeing if you can play the game, surprised and pleased when you score a point, feeling you might after all be worthwhile. It is not a relaxing way to live." — Rosamund Pike
itu, karakter yang ditampilkan di film Gone Girl memiliki dimensi yang beragam
dan menjadikan film ini semakin menarik. Nick tidak bisa dibilang
"baik" di film ini, karena ia sendiri berselingkuh dengan wanita
lain, yang memicu tindakan istrinya. Dan Amy tidak 100% "salah" di
sini. Popularitas yang mengikat nama "Amy" menjadi "Amazing Amy" membuat dirinya terbiasa hidup dalam drama.
P.S: saya meng-quote bagian ini dari awal film Gone Girl
Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much! And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be. Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs; or maybe he’s a hipster artist, so Cool Girl is a tattooed, bespectacled nerd who loves comics. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain. (How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like: “I like strong women.” If he says that to you, he will at some point fuck someone else. Because “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.”)””
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